Book Hotels at the Lowest Prices

Flight Ticket Booking and More

Not only is the departure or arrival destination important for finding cheap airline tickets. Sometimes it can make dozens or even hundreds of euros if you make one or more stops. You then have to wait in between and you usually fly at unfavorable times. However, you can also choose to combine multiple travel destinations in this way during a single trip. You can Book Hotels at the Lowest Prices through them also.

Book a last-minute flight or not?

It is important that you book your airline ticket at the right time. Airline tickets are offered about a year in advance. Earlier searching is therefore not useful and just after they come online they are generally a bit more expensive. The same applies to last-minute airline tickets. Many people think that last-minute flights are often cheaper, but that is not the case in most cases.

Book Hotels at the Lowest Prices

As soon as airlines start selling seats for a flight, they are offered in different booking classes. Note: this is slightly different from the actual class onboard such as Economy Class and Business Class. We are talking here about the different types of airline tickets. Every booking class has its own conditions. The cheapest booking class often offers little or no flexibility. For example, changing or canceling your ticket is not possible.

Higher booking classes often offer that flexibility, but as a result, the price of the ticket is often higher. Within each class, there are only a limited number of seats to forgive. The longer you wait with the purchase of your ticket, the greater the chance that the cheaper booking classes will be sold out.

Book a flight at the right time with a price alert

When should you book airline tickets? You now know that last-minute flying is often not the cheapest, but what is the right time? Booking a ticket 8 months to 7 weeks or 60 days before departure seems to be the cheapest, but there are no real hard figures. The prices are constantly changing. It is, therefore, best to set a price alarm at Skyscanner and Google Flights. As soon as the prices of your desired flight route fall, you will automatically receive a notification by e-mail.

Use loyalty programs and discount codes

Do you fly regularly? Then sign up for the different loyalty programs of the airlines with which you are flying. By saving points, you can often get a discount on your next flight ticket or upgrade to, for example, Business Class. Often several major airlines work together and you can redeem the points saved at the various airline companies. Frequent flyers can save a lot of money with this and earn upgrades.

Book cheap airline tickets thanks to newsletters from airlines

Sign up for the newsletters of various major airlines. Airline companies stunt regularly with exclusive promotions and cheap airline tickets via newsletters.

Budget airline tickets Tip: Score an Error Fare.

Want to book cheap airline tickets? With a bit of luck, you can also book an Error Fare ticket. These are extremely cheap airline tickets that are usually priced incorrectly due to human error. Often these are the best plane tickets to book because you can fly to the other side of the world for almost nothing.